Meet the Tanzee in Tanzee travels...

I’m Tanzee, a New York based traveler with a whole regular job and an even bigger passion for Travel. When I first started traveling over ten years ago, I’d spend a lot of time reading and watching tons of videos on my desired destinations. After realizing that this information was often not organized to make travel easier, I began to create my own reference guides with my style/tastes in mind.

Overtime family and friends started relying on these guides and looking to me as their trusted travel resource. What can I say, my obsession became their gain.

Want that iconic swing photo in Bali?
Island hopping on a yacht for your birthday?
A one of a kind experience that you’ll never forget?

I can tell how you get it AND get the most bang for your buck. Not a planner? Don’t worry, I got you boo :-).

Tanzee-Travels is the how to your where.

No matter your travel dream, I’m here to help you curate amazing experiences with YOUR Budget in mind. Consider this your go to place to find the knowledge you need to plan, budget and execute your dream trips. My hope is that you’ll join me in shifting the narrative on global travel for people like you and I.

When you’re ready, just click the link to take a Trip Tanzee Travels style.

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Years Traveling